5 Options for Sagging Jowls Treatment

Cheerful woman lifting jowls with her handpalms

Sagging jowls can be a common concern as we age, contributing to an aged or tired appearance. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to address sagging jowls, ranging from non-surgical to surgical interventions. At Sedgh Facial Plastic Surgery, patients have access to a variety of innovative treatments designed to rejuvenate and tighten the jawline […]

Restoring Elegance: Earlobe Plastic Surgery for Stretched or Torn Earlobes

Woman touching her ear

Earlobes are a prominent feature of the face, and for many individuals, earrings are a significant accessory to express personal style. However, over time, factors such as heavy earrings, trauma and lost skin elasticity can lead to stretched or torn earlobes, diminishing their aesthetic appeal. Earlobe plastic surgery, also known as earlobe repair, reduction or […]

Best Treatments for Dark Circles Under Eyes

Eyes of a beautiful mysterious woman

Dark circles under the eyes are a common concern that makes you look tired and years older, often due to factors like genetics, aging, or lifestyle. As a reputable plastic surgery clinic offering comprehensive solutions, Sedgh Facial Plastic Surgery understands the importance of addressing this issue effectively to provide a rejuvenated and energetic appearance. Our […]

Mouth Transformations with Lip Reconstruction Surgery

Smiling woman touching her lips and looking at her face in the mirror

Lip reconstruction surgery is a transformative procedure that can restore and enhance the appearance and function of the lips, resulting in a more aesthetically pleasing and harmonious smile. Whether due to congenital abnormalities, injuries, or disease skin cancer, lip imperfections can have a significant impact on one’s self-esteem and quality of life. Lip reconstruction surgery […]

Five Reasons People Get Saddle Nose Repair

Concerned woman touching her nose considering saddle nose repair surgery.

The nose plays a crucial role in facial aesthetics and function. It is a central feature that contributes to our overall appearance and serves essential functions such as breathing and smelling. However, when the nose’s natural structure is compromised, it can result in a saddle nose deformity. What is a Saddle Nose Deformity? A saddle […]

High Nose Bridge vs. Low: Finding Facial Harmony with Rhinoplasty

High nose bridge

The nose is one of the most prominent features on the face and, for many, it can be one of the most significant pain points when looking in the mirror. In particular, many patients are unhappy with the shape and height of their nasal bridge and are left pondering the pros and cons of a […]

How to Alleviate Congestion after Septoplasty and Turbinate Reduction

Doctor's hands checking the nose of a young woman on yellow background

Septoplasty is performed to restore a deviated, deformed, or displaced nasal septum, which is the cartilage and bone structure dividing the nose into two cavities. Turbinate reduction corrects enlarged or swollen turbinates — bony structures found in the nostrils that regulate airflow and heat and humidify inhaled air. Both procedures can bring relief to patients […]

Closed Rhinoplasty

Female nose before and after cosmetic surgery

Our closed rhinoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure for minor nasal aesthetic and anatomy changes. Also known as endonasal rhinoplasty, all the incisions will be positioned within the nose — thus, leaving no visible scars on the skin. Closed Rhinoplasty: Before and After     A successful rhinoplasty operation is made possible by Dr. Sedgh, […]

Pinning Your Ears Back: Surgical and Non-Surgical Setback Otoplasty

human ear

People often consider getting cosmetic ear surgery if they feel self-conscious about how prominent or protruding their ears are. Ear pinning is one of the otoplasty types that focuses on pinning back or flattening the ears against the head for an aesthetically better, symmetrical appearance. Pinning your ears back can be done surgically or non-surgically. […]

IV Vitamin Infusion

Intravenous (IV) vitamin therapy, also known as IV vitamin infusion, is a groundbreaking new procedure that promises to reverse signs of aging, cleanse your body, and expel toxins, helping you achieve a better body and healthier skin. IV vitamin infusion has become so popular that you’ve likely seen celebrities promoting them on social media. One […]