Male Brow Lift

A male brow lift is a surgical procedure that addresses common signs of aging in the upper part of the face. It improves the appearance of issues such as loose skin, deep forehead creases, droopy eyelids, and heavy, sagging brows that give the patient a permanently tired, angry, or unhappy appearance.

This procedure lifts the brows, tightens the skin and muscles that have sagged or stretched over the years, and reduces excess fatty tissues in the brow and forehead area to create a more rejuvenated look that still appears natural and retains the masculinity of the facial features.

Close up of male's face while he looks to the side


The brows are a prominent feature in a man’s face, which is why most patients prefer to undergo a brow lift in order to achieve a more youthful and alert look while still maintaining a masculine appearance. A male brow lift is ideal for patients with significant signs of aging in the forehead, brow, and eye area. This procedure can help correct or improve the following problems:


A successful male brow lift should make you appear younger and more refreshed without altering your masculine features. To produce these ideal results, your surgeon must employ extreme precision and possess a deep understanding of the physical characteristics that make a man’s face inherently masculine.


Dr. Jacob Sedgh believes in creating natural-looking results that do not detract from the patient’s facial masculinity. He also takes each patient’s unique needs into account to ensure that the procedure does not aggravate issues such as balding or receding hairlines. The benefits of this procedure include:

During the initial consultation, you will be asked about your surgical goals and expectations so that Dr. Sedgh can have a better understanding of your needs, allowing him to recommend the appropriate procedure or combination of procedures that will help you achieve your desired results. The consultation will also include:

Dr. Sedgh can also conduct video consultations for out-of-town or overseas patients. Should you need to travel to undergo the procedure, his office can also assist you with arranging transportation, accommodation, aftercare services, and more.


The natural shape and position of male brows are significantly different from female brows. Male brows are typically positioned slightly below the orbital rim, which is why conservative adjustments are required to avoid drastically changing or feminizing the patient’s appearance.

Dr. Sedgh uses several methods for male brow lift procedures. Some techniques, such as the the trichophytic brow lift and the classic coronal brow lift, involve longer incisions starting from one side of the head to the other. The exact location will vary depending on the technique used. Another popular approach is the endoscopic lift, which involves four or five short incisions in the scalp through which special instruments will be inserted to allow the surgeon to view the facial tissues and make the necessary alterations. 

Temporal and direct brow lifts also involve shorter incisions. For the latter, the incisions will be made above or within the eyebrow hairs, while the former requires incisions in the temple area, usually hidden behind the hairline.

Dr. Sedgh may also use the transblepharoplasty approach, which uses an upper eyelid incision to create internal brow fixation by means of either sutures or an endotine—a small, dissolvable implant. With every procedure, Dr. Sedgh considers the patient’s special needs and physical attributes to create the most optimal, natural-looking results. By choosing the right approach and making the most strategic adjustments, he can successfully achieve the desired lift without negatively affecting the patient’s hairline height, hair volume, and facial hair.

As a double-board certified doctor in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery on the head and neck, Dr. Sedgh’s unique andextensive expertise ensures that each surgical procedure is performed with the utmost precision and care so as to achieve the patient’s desired outcome safely and successfully. 


A male brow lift is typically performed as an outpatient procedure. In most cases, expected downtime is around 10 to 14 days. After this period, patients are usually able to return to their normal day-to-day activities.

Swelling, bruising, and minor discomfort may occur during the initial part of the healing process, but these should subside within a few weeks. Taking the prescribed medications and adhering to all post-op instructions should help make your recovery faster and more comfortable.

Dr. Sedgh will closely and personally monitor each patient’s progress from the first day post-surgery up to a year after. This is to ensure the most optimum healing and recovery process, so expect to have several follow-up appointments after the procedure so that the doctor can follow and assess each stage of your recovery. For those not local to Los Angeles, these appointments can also be conducted via telephone or video conferencing. 


When under our care, Dr. Sedgh always ensures you feel comfortable, cared for, well-informed about every aspect of your upcoming treatment, whether surgical or non-surgical. With an approach which focuses on achieving refreshed, natural-looking results, Dr. Sedgh prides himself on always acting with transparency, honesty, and the highest level of ethical treatment, from start to finish.