Chin Liposuction

Genetics, hormones and other factors determine where fat is stored on your body. For some people, submental or chin fat is a cosmetic problem. The infamous “double chin” can occur when you gain weight, but many people experience this issue even when they are within normal weight ranges. To remove a double chin, Dr. Sedgh Facial Plastic Surgery offers chin liposuction at our surgical facility in Los Angeles, CA.

Excess fat under the chin and around the neck can make the face look heavy. Since submental fat is more common with age, it can also make a person appear older. Diet and exercise are ineffective at targeting specific fatty areas like a double chin. The best solutions are cosmetic procedures to permanently remove fat from under the chin, including liposuction.

Liposuction surgery is one of the most requested cosmetic procedures by both men and women. For double chin removal, a small incision is discreetly placed under the chin to access the submental fat. A thin cannula is used to loosen and suction the excess fat from under the chin and around the upper neck. This procedure can be performed without general anesthesia, usually with local anesthesia and oral sedation.

Double Chin Removal

Chin liposuction permanently removes the fat that can accumulate under the chin. This procedure can make a dramatic impact on the definition of the jowls and jawline, creating a more attractive and youthful lower face. There is minimal recovery required after chin liposculpture – a compression garment is worn for a few days to reduce swelling and hasten healing and most normal activities can be resumed within two weeks.

Chin liposuction can define the chin and jawline, but it does not tighten the skin. If there is loose skin, a neck lift may also be required to create the firm chin and jawline desired. Chin liposuction as a stand-alone procedure is usually performed on individuals from age 20 to 40.


Older woman smiling

If your face and neck look heavy due to a double chin, liposuction surgery can refine your jawline. To learn more about chin liposuction to eliminate a double chin, contact our team at Dr. Sedgh Facial Plastic Surgery. Call our office in West Hollywood, CA, to schedule a liposuction consultation with our double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Jacob Sedgh.


When under our care, Dr. Sedgh always ensures you feel comfortable, cared for, well-informed about every aspect of your upcoming treatment, whether surgical or non-surgical. With an approach which focuses on achieving refreshed, natural-looking results, Dr. Sedgh prides himself on always acting with transparency, honesty, and the highest level of ethical treatment, from start to finish.