3 mo post, 43F
The best results in rejuvination of eyes often require a commbination of brow and upper eyelid treatment to yield the moset effective and elegant results. This is a good example of simultanous temporal brow lift and upper blepharoplasty at 3 months out. She is thrilled with her results. Of note she also had a conservative buccal fat reduction at the same time to improve the jawline.
3 mo post, 43F
The best results in rejuvination of eyes often require a commbination of brow and upper eyelid treatment to yield the moset effective and elegant results. This is a good example of simultanous temporal brow lift and upper blepharoplasty at 3 months out. She is thrilled with her results. Of note she also had a conservative buccal fat reduction at the same time to improve the jawline.
3 mo post, 43F
The best results in rejuvination of eyes often require a commbination of brow and upper eyelid treatment to yield the moset effective and elegant results. This is a good example of simultanous temporal brow lift and upper blepharoplasty at 3 months out. She is thrilled with her results. Of note she also had a conservative buccal fat reduction at the same time to improve the jawline.
3 months post, 28 yrs old F.
One doesn’t have to have very large cheeks to be a candidate for buccal fat reduction. When it’s done properly and conservatively, a conservative buccal fat reduction can accentuate the jawline for many patients, such as this young lady.
3 months post, 28 yrs old F.
One doesn’t have to have very large cheeks to be a candidate for buccal fat reduction. When it’s done properly and conservatively, a conservative buccal fat reduction can accentuate the jawline for many patients, such as this young lady.
3 months post, 28 yrs old F.
One doesn’t have to have very large cheeks to be a candidate for buccal fat reduction. When it’s done properly and conservatively, a conservative buccal fat reduction can accentuate the jawline for many patients, such as this young lady.
3 months post, 28 yrs old F.
One doesn’t have to have very large cheeks to be a candidate for buccal fat reduction. When it’s done properly and conservatively, a conservative buccal fat reduction can accentuate the jawline for many patients, such as this young lady.
3 months post, 28 yrs old F.
One doesn’t have to have very large cheeks to be a candidate for buccal fat reduction. When it’s done properly and conservatively, a conservative buccal fat reduction can accentuate the jawline for many patients, such as this young lady.
24F 1 year post.
This case shows exactly why revision rhinoplasty is so rewarding as a plastic surgeon! This beautiful model had a previous unsuccessful rhinoplasty, which created significant deviations, a poly-beak deformity of the tip and a loss of tip support.
I performed a Revision Rhinoplasty using her own rib cartilage. Her after photos are one year post-op.
Her nose is perfectly balanced with the rest of her facial features and accentuates the beauty of her eyes even more.
(Note: A conservative buccal fat pad reduction was simultaneously performed to improve the jawline definition).
24F 1 year post.
This case shows exactly why revision rhinoplasty is so rewarding as a plastic surgeon! This beautiful model had a previous unsuccessful rhinoplasty, which created significant deviations, a poly-beak deformity of the tip and a loss of tip support.
I performed a Revision Rhinoplasty using her own rib cartilage. Her after photos are one year post-op.
Her nose is perfectly balanced with the rest of her facial features and accentuates the beauty of her eyes even more.
(Note: A conservative buccal fat pad reduction was simultaneously performed to improve the jawline definition).
24F 1 year post.
This case shows exactly why revision rhinoplasty is so rewarding as a plastic surgeon! This beautiful model had a previous unsuccessful rhinoplasty, which created significant deviations, a poly-beak deformity of the tip and a loss of tip support.
I performed a Revision Rhinoplasty using her own rib cartilage. Her after photos are one year post-op.
Her nose is perfectly balanced with the rest of her facial features and accentuates the beauty of her eyes even more.
(Note: A conservative buccal fat pad reduction was simultaneously performed to improve the jawline definition).
24F 1 year post.
This case shows exactly why revision rhinoplasty is so rewarding as a plastic surgeon! This beautiful model had a previous unsuccessful rhinoplasty, which created significant deviations, a poly-beak deformity of the tip and a loss of tip support.
I performed a Revision Rhinoplasty using her own rib cartilage. Her after photos are one year post-op.
Her nose is perfectly balanced with the rest of her facial features and accentuates the beauty of her eyes even more.
(Note: A conservative buccal fat pad reduction was simultaneously performed to improve the jawline definition).
24F 1 year post.
This case shows exactly why revision rhinoplasty is so rewarding as a plastic surgeon! This beautiful model had a previous unsuccessful rhinoplasty, which created significant deviations, a poly-beak deformity of the tip and a loss of tip support.
I performed a Revision Rhinoplasty using her own rib cartilage. Her after photos are one year post-op.
Her nose is perfectly balanced with the rest of her facial features and accentuates the beauty of her eyes even more.
(Note: A conservative buccal fat pad reduction was simultaneously performed to improve the jawline definition).
24F 1 year post.
This case shows exactly why revision rhinoplasty is so rewarding as a plastic surgeon! This beautiful model had a previous unsuccessful rhinoplasty, which created significant deviations, a poly-beak deformity of the tip and a loss of tip support.
I performed a Revision Rhinoplasty using her own rib cartilage. Her after photos are one year post-op.
Her nose is perfectly balanced with the rest of her facial features and accentuates the beauty of her eyes even more.
(Note: A conservative buccal fat pad reduction was simultaneously performed to improve the jawline definition).
21M, 3 mo post
This young man was already good-looking, but wanted more definiton and contour in his lower face. With a buccal fat removal, he achieved just that and now has a chiseled jawline and masculine lower face contour.
21M, 3 mo post
This young man was already good-looking, but wanted more definiton and contour in his lower face. With a buccal fat removal, he achieved just that and now has a chiseled jawline and masculine lower face contour.
21M, 3 mo post
This young man was already good-looking, but wanted more definiton and contour in his lower face. With a buccal fat removal, he achieved just that and now has a chiseled jawline and masculine lower face contour.
21M, 3 mo post
This young man was already good-looking, but wanted more definiton and contour in his lower face. With a buccal fat removal, he achieved just that and now has a chiseled jawline and masculine lower face contour.
21M, 3 mo post
This young man was already good-looking, but wanted more definiton and contour in his lower face. With a buccal fat removal, he achieved just that and now has a chiseled jawline and masculine lower face contour.
Through performing a buccal fat removal in conjunction with neck liposuction, the lower face becomes beautifully contoured and gives an elegant profile as can be seen on this beautiful young doctor. It is always great to be trusted by a fellow physician.
Through performing a buccal fat removal in conjunction with neck liposuction, the lower face becomes beautifully contoured and gives an elegant profile as can be seen on this beautiful young doctor. It is always great to be trusted by a fellow physician.
Through performing a buccal fat removal in conjunction with neck liposuction, the lower face becomes beautifully contoured and gives an elegant profile as can be seen on this beautiful young doctor. It is always great to be trusted by a fellow physician.
Through performing a buccal fat removal in conjunction with neck liposuction, the lower face becomes beautifully contoured and gives an elegant profile as can be seen on this beautiful young doctor. It is always great to be trusted by a fellow physician.
Through performing a buccal fat removal in conjunction with neck liposuction, the lower face becomes beautifully contoured and gives an elegant profile as can be seen on this beautiful young doctor. It is always great to be trusted by a fellow physician.
37 female 2 years post buccal fat removal
By removing the buccal fat pad in the cheeks, we can sculpt the bottom portion of a patient’s face, achieving a more chiseled look. We were able to give this patient the results she wanted by reducing the volume of her lower cheeks.
37 female 2 years post buccal fat removal
By removing the buccal fat pad in the cheeks, we can sculpt the bottom portion of a patient’s face, achieving a more chiseled look. We were able to give this patient the results she wanted by reducing the volume of her lower cheeks.
37 female 2 years post buccal fat removal
By removing the buccal fat pad in the cheeks, we can sculpt the bottom portion of a patient’s face, achieving a more chiseled look. We were able to give this patient the results she wanted by reducing the volume of her lower cheeks.
24 female 3 months post buccal fat removal
Buccal fat removal surgery removes the excess fat from the inside of the cheeks. This is a procedure that can be done under local anesthesia in the office. The best candidates for this procedure are people with a chubby face, or those who wish a more chieseled jawline.
24 female 3 months post buccal fat removal
Buccal fat removal surgery removes the excess fat from the inside of the cheeks. This is a procedure that can be done under local anesthesia in the office. The best candidates for this procedure are people with a chubby face, or those who wish a more chieseled jawline.
24 female 3 months post buccal fat removal
Buccal fat removal surgery removes the excess fat from the inside of the cheeks. This is a procedure that can be done under local anesthesia in the office. The best candidates for this procedure are people with a chubby face, or those who wish a more chieseled jawline.
Doctor’s Caption:
Buccal fat pad removal is a procedure that one can opt for if they feel that they have excess volume of the cheeks. This patient is 6 months out of buccal fat removal surgery, which has given her a beautiful chiseled look.
Doctor’s Caption:
Buccal fat pad removal is a procedure that one can opt for if they feel that they have excess volume of the cheeks. This patient is 6 months out of buccal fat removal surgery, which has given her a beautiful chiseled look.
Doctor’s Caption:
Buccal fat pad removal is a procedure that one can opt for if they feel that they have excess volume of the cheeks. This patient is 6 months out of buccal fat removal surgery, which has given her a beautiful chiseled look.
Doctor’s Caption:
Buccal fat pad removal is a procedure that one can opt for if they feel that they have excess volume of the cheeks. This patient is 6 months out of buccal fat removal surgery, which has given her a beautiful chiseled look.
Doctor’s Caption:
Buccal fat pad removal is a procedure that one can opt for if they feel that they have excess volume of the cheeks. This patient is 6 months out of buccal fat removal surgery, which has given her a beautiful chiseled look.
Doctor’s Caption:
Buccal fat pad removal is a procedure that one can opt for if they feel that they have excess volume of the cheeks. This patient is 6 months out of buccal fat removal surgery, which has given her a beautiful chiseled look.
When under our care, Dr. Sedgh always ensures you feel comfortable, cared for, well-informed about every aspect of your upcoming treatment, whether surgical or non-surgical. With an approach which focuses on achieving refreshed, natural-looking results, Dr. Sedgh prides himself on always acting with transparency, honesty, and the highest level of ethical treatment, from start to finish.