Committing to rhinoplasty can be both exciting and daunting. Give yourself the best chance of a successful recovery by following some simple and proven guidelines.
Rhinoplasty Aftercare: Tips for a Fast Recovery
If you are prepping for surgery and planning your rhinoplasty aftercare routine, note the following do’s and don’ts.
- Do relax and take plenty of time to recover. Most patients take around two weeks off work to give their body the best chance of healing.
- Don’t do anything that will risk bumping your nose. Avoid everything from vigorous exercise and contact sports, sweaters and t-shirts that need to be pulled over the head, even friends and family with overly expressive hand gestures. Your nose is fragile right now – give it time to heal.
- Do keep your head elevated by propping it up with some pillows, or even opt for a recliner while you sleep.
- Don’t smoke. Nicotine slows down blood flow, increases the risk of scarring, and disrupts healing.
- Do take pain medication as directed by your doctor, and ask for help if something doesn’t feel right.
- Don’t wear glasses or sunglasses; instead, use contact lenses and hats to avoid putting extra pressure on the bridge of your nose that may disrupt the healing process.
- Do avoid sneezing and blowing your nose. While we can’t always avoid sneezing, try and direct the sneeze out of your mouth to prevent a build-up of pressure in the nose.
- Don’t put anything up your nose. This one is pretty self-explanatory.
- Do wear sunscreen and avoid direct sunlight as much as possible. Harsh UV can cause excessive scarring and discoloration to the skin on your nose as it heals.
The Most Crucial Factor in Rhinoplasty Recovery
Finally, do find an experienced doctor that you can trust to perform your surgery with the precision it requires. Dr. Sedgh is one of California’s leading facial plastic surgeons, boasting over two decades of experience.
If you are wondering if rhinoplasty is right for you, or have more questions on the recovery process, schedule a consultation with Dr. Sedgh today.
Posted on behalf of Sedgh Plastic Surgery