Chin Implant VS Genioplasty – What Are the Differences?

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If you’re looking for a solution to address a weak or excessively recessed chin, cosmetic medicine now offers patients several treatment options that can achieve excellent results—but what are those options?

What’s the Difference Between Chin Implant vs Genioplasty?

The simple answer is that chin implants are a form of genioplasty.

Genioplasty broadly refers to any form of chin augmentation. Here’s a quick overview to help you understand the differences between the various forms of genioplasty:

  • Sliding genioplasty – A surgical procedure which involves cutting a small portion of the chin bone, and repositioning it in the optimal position to create the ideal chin profile. Once in place, the bone is permanently secured into place with a titanium plate and medical-grade screws.
  • Chin implantChin implant surgery involves making an incision inside the mouth and inserting a biologically-compatible synthetic implant into the chin tissues to add projection and reshape the chin.
  • Non-surgical chin augmentation – Non-surgical chin augmentation is performed by injecting small amounts of dermal filler into targeted areas of the chin to build structure and contour the chin.

Sliding Genioplasty vs Chin Implant: Which is Better?

While the ideal solution will depend on the individual patient, there are a few things to consider when comparing chin implant vs genioplasty bone advancement.

Sliding genioplasty is ideal when greater flexibility is required to alter the natural shape of the chin, and is a good option for patients with a chin that projects too far forward. However, as sliding genioplasty is a more intensive procedure, the recovery period can take several weeks.

In contrast, the less intensive nature of a chin implant procedure offers a shorter recovery (usually several days to one week) and is typically a more affordable option. However, chin implants do carry the risk of the implant shifting or moving under the skin, or in rare cases, the implant could erode into the anterior teeth causing issues.

It’s important to determine which option will be most suitable for you in consultation with a board-certified surgeon such as Dr. Jacob Sedgh. As a specialist facial plastic surgeon working out of Los Angeles, California, Dr. Sedgh can discuss the various chin augmentation options with you in detail so you can make an informed decision about which option will be right for you.

Some Common Questions About Chin Augmentation

Does sliding genioplasty affect the teeth?

As sliding genioplasty is performed on the lower part of the chin, it shouldn’t have any effect on your teeth when performed correctly. As with any type of surgical procedure, it’s always best to choose an experienced, board-certified surgeon to lower the risk of potential complications.

What are the advantages of a chin implant?

A chin implant procedure is less intensive compared to the other surgical options. As a result, patients often enjoy a faster recovery, generally returning to normal activities within one week. A chin implant is also typically more affordable than a sliding genioplasty.

Is non-surgical chin augmentation as effective as the surgical options?

Non-surgical chin augmentation can achieve similar results to the surgical alternatives, however, the results generally only last for around 6-12 months. Non-surgical chin augmentation can be a great way to sample the type of results you can achieve before committing to surgery.

Posted on behalf of Sedgh Plastic Surgery


When under our care, Dr. Sedgh always ensures you feel comfortable, cared for, well-informed about every aspect of your upcoming treatment, whether surgical or non-surgical. With an approach which focuses on achieving refreshed, natural-looking results, Dr. Sedgh prides himself on always acting with transparency, honesty, and the highest level of ethical treatment, from start to finish.