What Buccal Fat Removal Risks Should I Be Aware Of?

While chubby cheeks may be considered cute during childhood, you might not think they’re quite as endearing when they stick around into adulthood. If you desire a slimmer, more defined facial appearance, buccal fat reduction could be an excellent solution. However, as with any type of surgical procedure, buccal fat removal does carry some inherent […]
Should I Get Buccal Fat Removal? Everything You Should Know

Buccal fat removal is one of the latest and greatest procedures for those looking to tone, sculpt, and contour the shape of their face. This minimally invasive solution to those dreaded “chipmunk cheeks” is quick to complete and should have you back to your daily routine in one to two days. If you’ve asked “Should […]
What to Expect: Buccal Fat Removal Healing Time

If you’re unhappy with the volume or contour of your cheeks, you may be considering buccal fat reduction. Buccal fat reduction is performed by making incisions on the inside of the cheeks and removing the buccal fat pad from the area between your jaw and cheekbones before gently sculpting the internal tissues to produce the […]
Does Buccal Fat Removal Age You? Here is What You Should Know

Buccal fat removal minimizes your cheeks and defines your facial angles by removing the buccal fat pad that’s located below your cheekbones. Also called cheek surgery or buccal lipectomy, this procedure is very popular among cherub-cheeked people who want a more chiseled look. If you’ve considered removing your buccal fat for a more defined look, […]
How to Lose Cheek Fat – Top Tips

While chubby cheeks are often a sign of a youthful complexion, many would prefer a more sculpted appearance. Generally, chubby cheeks will fade as we age; however, factors such as genetics and weight gain can result in a more rounded facial shape. If you’re seeking refined facial contours, here are some excellent tips for slimming […]
What Is Buccal Fat Removal? And Do I Need It?

Have you ever been told that you have a “baby face” or “chipmunk face?” If so, you likely have a large buccal fat pad in the middle of your cheeks, just below the cheekbones. Everyone has buccal fat, but some of us have larger buccal fats than others. If your buccal fat pads are […]
Understanding Facial Fat Transfer: Who Gets Them and Why

Facial fat transfer is an innovative and effective non-surgical treatment that contours or reshapes your face using fat cells safely harvested from other parts of your body where they’re abundant and usually unwanted. Some patients prefer facial fat transfers to dermal fillers and other injectables because they don’t involve foreign substances. The fat transfer is […]
Fat Transfer to Face: What to Expect

Fat transfer has become a popular cosmetic surgery procedure among individuals due to its pleasing and natural results along with other benefits. Patients can transfer some of their fat to their faces or other parts of their bodies if they are unhappy with their volume and contour, enhancing both parts of the patient’s body. Fat […]
An Introduction to Buccal Fat Removal
Some people feel like their cheeks are too big or too round. Some of the reasons why certain individuals have such prominent cheeks are due to genetics, weight gain, or poor lifestyle choices. Buccal fat pad removal can address this issue of having big cheeks. Buccal fat pad removal or buccal lipectomy is a type […]