Rhinoplasty for Deviated Septum

Rhinoplasty for Deviated Septum – Do You Need It? There are generally two treatment options for a deviated septum: nasal sprays are used to treat the tissue in the nasal passage, or a nose job can be used to permanently correct the issue. While surgery may seem daunting, sprays and medications can only offer temporary […]

Rhinoplasty for Bulbous Tip

Can Rhinoplasty for Bulbous Tip Improve Your Nose? As far as facial features go, the nose is one of the most prominent, so it’s natural to want it to be proportionate to your face to achieve a balanced appearance. Some features or characteristics that people may want to improve include a crooked bridge, wide nose […]

Rhinoplasty for Wide Nose — Reshaping Your Nose with Surgery

Lady with plaster on nose, doctor examining patients face after plastic surgery

The nose is the central and most prominent feature on your face—if you’re not happy with your nose, there’s a chance you’ll feel dissatisfied and self-conscious about your whole appearance. Some of the specific concerns of large noses include a flat or wide nasal tip, broad nose bridge, or wide nostrils. Fortunately, modern cosmetic medicine […]

How to Fix a Broken Nose After Years of No Treatment

Woman getting ready for plastic surgery

When a broken nose requires professional medical treatment, the sooner it can be fixed, the better. However, what can be done for old nose injuries that have occurred years ago? Can Old Nose Injuries be Fixed? Yes. Depending on the severity of the damage, surgery can help treat some years-old nose injuries. There are cases […]

Rhinoplasty for Breathing Issues Explained

patient undergoing a nose surgery

Many people think of rhinoplasty as a surgical procedure performed purely for cosmetic purposes. However, they do not realize that rhinoplasty also serves to rectify functional issues and help improve breathing. Symptoms of Breathing Issues As we breathe, the nasal cavity filters warm and cool air, allows for drainage, filters small air particles, and is […]

How To Fix A Crooked Nose

The Ideal nose is when the nose body draws out a straight, vertical line down the center of the face. For a crooked nose, however, the opposite can be said as a slight or sharp curve is formed, making the nose appear crooked or bent. A crooked nose can be a cause for concern in […]

The Ethnic Nose Job: Is It the Right Procedure for You

When it comes to facial plastic surgery, it is crucial to ensure that the patient’s unique facial characteristics are taken into account. Otherwise, patients can become totally unrecognizable and the results will appear highly unnatural. This can happen when doctors perform surgeries that are not tailored to fit the patient’s face, but rather to a […]