Do Nose Jobs Age Well?

after nose surgery

Oftentimes, when people are considering rhinoplasty, they’re thinking more about the short-term results. However, it is important to also consider the medium-to long-term; rhinoplasty often involves altering the structure of your nose, as you age, the lack of support can mean that your nose loses its shape over time. In this blog, we’ll answer questions […]

When can I get a facial after rhinoplasty?

facial cream skin care

It’s only natural to want to look your best when showing off your new appearance following rhinoplasty, and for many of us, that involves getting a facial. The idea of a facial after rhinoplasty can also be particularly appealing as many patients notice an exacerbation of blackheads caused by the nasal dressing that needs to […]

Will the Tip of My Nose Get Smaller After Rhinoplasty?

Beautiful Girl

Your nose is one of the first things that people notice about your face. Positioned right in the middle of your face, it plays a prominent role in your overall appearance and confidence. It could be your greatest treasure or a great cause for concern. It is, therefore, not surprising that many people are self-conscious […]

How to Fix a Flat Nose With and Without Surgery

Flat nose surgery

If you’re unhappy with the height of your nose and would like to achieve a more refined nasal bridge that complements the rest of your features, then you have  surgical and non-surgical options available to you. While, of course, there is nothing wrong with having a flatter nose, many people may choose to seek out […]

How Effective is Nasal Surgery for Snoring?

Nasal surgery

If you’re sick of snoring, or would like to help loved ones that are keeping you awake at night, then nasal surgery for snoring might be the solution you have been looking for. What causes snoring? Snoring occurs when the muscles and tissue in the throat and roof of the mouth relax, causing the tongue […]

How Does Rhinoplasty Work?

Portrait of female patient having modern noninvasive procedure of rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a ‘nose job,’ is the surgical procedure completed to reshape the nose as a means of improving function or appearance. If you are considering rhinoplasty, it is essential to understand what occurs during the procedure. Breaking Down the Process: How Does Rhinoplasty Work? So, how does rhinoplasty work? Before the […]

Understanding Rhinoplasty Risks and Side Effects

Woman getting ready for plastic surgery

Undertaking plastic surgery like rhinoplasty is a very personal decision that should not be taken lightly. Before proceeding with the surgery, be sure to weigh up the possible risks and side effects alongside the desired result. Rhinoplasty risks explained All surgeries have risks, and while those associated with rhinoplasty are small and complications are rare, […]

What are the Long-Term Symptoms of a Broken Nose?

Lady with plaster on nose, doctor examining patients face after plastic surgery

A nasal fracture, or broken nose, is any crack or fracture in the bony portion of the nose as a result of trauma. The severity of the break will often determine the type of treatment required, and in some cases, when left untreated, the long-term symptoms of a broken nose can result in several health […]

What are the Signs of a Broken Nose?

The nose is the most prominent part of the face, making it more prone to sustaining trauma or injury. The bones of your nose get broken more often than any other bone in the face. Contact sports and accidents that lead to facial trauma are some of the most common causes of a broken nose. […]

What is a Deviated Septum

The septum is the bone and cartilage that separates the left and right passages of the nose. This cartilaginous partition is bendable in spite of its firmness and should ideally lie at the center of the nose so that both passages are equal in size. But unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. The septum can […]