
Doctor's hands checking the nose of a young woman on yellow background

How to Alleviate Congestion after Septoplasty and Turbinate Reduction

Septoplasty is performed to restore a deviated, deformed, or displaced nasal septum, which is the cartilage and bone structure dividing the nose into two cavities. Turbinate reduction corrects enlarged or swollen turbinates — bony structures found in the nostrils that regulate airflow and heat and humidify inhaled air. Both procedures can bring relief to patients who likely

Female nose before and after cosmetic surgery

Closed Rhinoplasty

Our closed rhinoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure for minor nasal aesthetic and anatomy changes. Also known as endonasal rhinoplasty, all the incisions will be positioned within the nose — thus, leaving no visible scars on the skin. Closed Rhinoplasty: Before and After     A successful rhinoplasty operation is made possible by Dr. Sedgh, regarded as

before and after septoplasty surgery comparison

Septoplasty Recovery Time – How Long Does it Take?

Septoplasty is a standard outpatient procedure performed to fix a deviated septum and allow better airflow through the nose. When performed by an experienced surgeon, septoplasty can be a permanent fix to any longstanding breathing problems. While septoplasty involves minimal incisions and recovery is less complicated than other surgeries, you will still need to take some time

Young woman before and after rhinoplasty

How to Make Your Nose Smaller – Best Option Revealed

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your nose, you can change its appearance to a degree using makeup, but it’s a short-term solution and will only mask the problem. For a permanent solution to something that may have been affecting your confidence for years, rhinoplasty is the best way to reduce its size and achieve genuine,


Rhinoplasty for Deviated Septum

Rhinoplasty for Deviated Septum – Do You Need It? There are generally two treatment options for a deviated septum: nasal sprays are used to treat the tissue in the nasal passage, or a nose job can be used to permanently correct the issue. While surgery may seem daunting, sprays and medications can only offer temporary relief. If


Rhinoplasty for Bulbous Tip

Can Rhinoplasty for Bulbous Tip Improve Your Nose? As far as facial features go, the nose is one of the most prominent, so it’s natural to want it to be proportionate to your face to achieve a balanced appearance. Some features or characteristics that people may want to improve include a crooked bridge, wide nose or a

Lady with plaster on nose, doctor examining patients face after plastic surgery

Rhinoplasty for Wide Nose — Reshaping Your Nose with Surgery

The nose is the central and most prominent feature on your face—if you’re not happy with your nose, there’s a chance you’ll feel dissatisfied and self-conscious about your whole appearance. Some of the specific concerns of large noses include a flat or wide nasal tip, broad nose bridge, or wide nostrils. Fortunately, modern cosmetic medicine offers an

Young woman on white background touching her chin

Chin Implant vs. Filler: Which Option is Best?

Many people may seek out chin augmentation as a means of achieving a more balanced facial appearance. If you’re considering this, you are likely debating between two popular options: chin implant vs. filler. The Pros and Cons of Chin Implant vs. Filler When deciding between chin implants and filler, it’s best to look at the results and

nose and chin correction, rhinoplasty, genioplasty and Chin augmentation

What is Chin Augmentation Recovery Like?

Chin augmentation is an excellent way to correct a recessed chin or restore lost definition around the chin or jawline, but like any type of cosmetic procedure, it’s important to know what to expect during the recovery before rushing into it. While chin augmentation recovery can vary depending on the type of procedure and the individual patient,

Young woman before and after rhinoplasty on light background

Rhinoplasty Aftercare Do’s and Don’ts

Committing to rhinoplasty can be both exciting and daunting. Give yourself the best chance of a successful recovery by following some simple and proven guidelines. Rhinoplasty Aftercare: Tips for a Fast Recovery If you are prepping for surgery and planning your rhinoplasty aftercare routine, note the following do’s and don’ts. Do relax and take plenty of time



When under our care, Dr. Sedgh always ensures you feel comfortable, cared for, well-informed about every aspect of your upcoming treatment, whether surgical or non-surgical. With an approach which focuses on achieving refreshed, natural-looking results, Dr. Sedgh prides himself on always acting with transparency, honesty, and the highest level of ethical treatment, from start to finish.