Different Kinds of Nose Jobs: Which Is Right for You?
There are many different kinds of nose surgery that can treat a variety of different nose shapes and conditions—but how do you know which one will be right for you? Here we provide an overview of the different kinds of nose jobs to make it easier to identify the one that might be most suitable for you.
Chin Implant VS Genioplasty – What Are the Differences?
If you’re looking for a solution to address a weak or excessively recessed chin, cosmetic medicine now offers patients several treatment options that can achieve excellent results—but what are those options? What’s the Difference Between Chin Implant vs Genioplasty? The simple answer is that chin implants are a form of genioplasty. Genioplasty broadly refers to any form
Nostrils Uneven After Rhinoplasty – Should You Be Concerned?
For patients who are frustrated by their large, asymmetrical or crooked noses, cosmetic rhinoplasty is considered the ideal solution to address their concerns and produce a straighter, more attractive nose. But what happens if you notice your nostrils are uneven following rhinoplasty? Should you be concerned about it? Here we discuss the most likely cause of your
What Buccal Fat Removal Risks Should I Be Aware Of?
While chubby cheeks may be considered cute during childhood, you might not think they’re quite as endearing when they stick around into adulthood. If you desire a slimmer, more defined facial appearance, buccal fat reduction could be an excellent solution. However, as with any type of surgical procedure, buccal fat removal does carry some inherent risks. While
Should I Get Buccal Fat Removal? Everything You Should Know
Buccal fat removal is one of the latest and greatest procedures for those looking to tone, sculpt, and contour the shape of their face. This minimally invasive solution to those dreaded “chipmunk cheeks” is quick to complete and should have you back to your daily routine in one to two days. If you’ve asked “Should I get
What to Expect: Buccal Fat Removal Healing Time
If you’re unhappy with the volume or contour of your cheeks, you may be considering buccal fat reduction. Buccal fat reduction is performed by making incisions on the inside of the cheeks and removing the buccal fat pad from the area between your jaw and cheekbones before gently sculpting the internal tissues to produce the optimal contour.
Does Buccal Fat Removal Age You? Here is What You Should Know
Buccal fat removal minimizes your cheeks and defines your facial angles by removing the buccal fat pad that’s located below your cheekbones. Also called cheek surgery or buccal lipectomy, this procedure is very popular among cherub-cheeked people who want a more chiseled look. If you’ve considered removing your buccal fat for a more defined look, you may
Nose Asymmetry After Rhinoplasty — Why Would This Happen?
One of the reasons people come in for a rhinoplasty procedure is to fix a crooked nose. However, what should you do if you end up with nose asymmetry after rhinoplasty? Is this normal — and if it is, why does it happen? All these questions and more are answered in this post. Read below to
How to Sleep After Rhinoplasty – Why Sleeping On Your Back is Best
The best things you can do for your body after any surgery are to eat well, drink plenty of water and get lots of rest and sleep. This may sound relatively easy, but with a tender, sore nose after rhinoplasty surgery, sleeping may be more difficult than anticipated. You may inadvertently bump your nose in the night,
Does Your Nose Stop Growing After a Nose Job? Your Questions Answered
Cosmetic rhinoplasty is the most effective way to reduce the size of your nose at any age, but are the results really permanent? Does your nose stop growing after a nose job? Will your rhinoplasty results stay the same as you age? Can you even get rhinoplasty if you’re still growing? Here we answer some common questions
- Botox FAQs
- Brow & Eyelid
- Browlift FAQs
- Buccal Fat Removal FAQs
- Cheek Augmentation FAQs
- Chin Augmentation FAQs
- Chin Implants or Fillers
- Cosmetic Rhinoplasty
- Droopy Tip Nose Correction
- Ear Surgery Advice
- Eyelid Surgery Aftercare
- Eyelid Surgery FAQs
- Facelift FAQs
- Flaring or Wide Nostrils
- Forehead Contouring
- Laser Hair Removal
- Necklift FAQs
- Otoplasty Recovery Advice
- Rhinoplasty Aftercare Tips
- Rhinoplasty Candidates
- Rhinoplasty FAQs
- Rhinoplasty Vs. Septoplasty
- Septoplasty Recovery Advice
- Uncategorized
When under our care, Dr. Sedgh always ensures you feel comfortable, cared for, well-informed about every aspect of your upcoming treatment, whether surgical or non-surgical. With an approach which focuses on achieving refreshed, natural-looking results, Dr. Sedgh prides himself on always acting with transparency, honesty, and the highest level of ethical treatment, from start to finish.